Monday, December 17, 2012

Sadness All Around

Tis' the season to be jolly?!  I can't help but have an issue with being jolly.  I do not know the kids that got killed but I do have a 7 year old and a 6 year old.  This breaks my heart that this has happened.  People I see are blaming it on the guy having a mental issue, that doesn't make it normal for him to kill KIDS.  Being mad at the school is no right to kill these babies.  What are these parents going to do with presents under their tree and fun traditions planned with those babies?  What are these babies that survived going to do when they have to go back into that school and remember those sounds and those images?  As an adult I have a hard time with those things, I can not even go in the home that my brother passed away in.  How is a CHILD going to do it?  They are going to have no choice but to go back into that school and those memories.  I pray for these souls and for the families.  I am thankful I have my babies home with me everyday so that I can spend as much time with them as possible.  It will not be long before they are grown and leave my home anyways.  I thank the Lord everyday for allowing me to stay at home with my kids.  I may live poorly but we have a warm home, food, and most of all love.

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