Vendor: Carole P. Roman with Away We Go Media
Product: If You Were Me and Lived in Mexico
If You Were Me and Lived in South Korea
If You Were Me and Lived in France
If You Were Me and Lived in Norway Link coming soon!
Price: Amazon Kindle $.99/Paperback $8.99
If You Were Me and Lived in Norway Kindle $1.99/$10.79 Paperback.
Age Range: Pre-K to 8 years old

My children are from a Mexican decent. Their grandmother is Mexican and their great grandmother was from Mexico. This was really fun for us because this book helped them learn more about that side of the families culture. Their grandmother always tries to speak to them in Spanish and they just giggle at her. I think this was a bit of a fun way to teach them more about Mexico and get them interested in learning about it deeper. They were also interested in seeing that Mexico isn't all the way across the world like the other places in the books. It made them want to go visit it. I had to explain it was still a distance from us and maybe one day when they were older we maybe able to go visit there.

What we liked the most:
The books are colorful and easy to read.
They have simple to understand facts.
The repetition of the books makes it easier to remember for the younger readers.
What we liked the least:
The repetition was good for my younger kids but my oldest (8yo) was kind of annoyed with it.
I think that they are not a book that is good for continual use. One time read is about all that is interest in them.
It might be nice to have a suggested art project to go with each book. Maybe a place on the webpage that would give some tips on extra things to do with the books to enhance the experience.
I will be recommending these to others with young children as I think they are a good read.

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