Thursday, May 8, 2014

Garden Tips

So tis' the season for gardening.  If you are like me you have been outside getting your yard work caught up and starting your garden.  Spring time is when you want to get your plants in the ground but also it isn't to hot yet so you can stay out longer. 

So in light of the season here are a few tips I have learned along the way to making my yard look presentable, as well as growing some yummy food.

My first should be easy for those of you that know me, vinegar...have I not told you there is nothing this stuff can't do??!!  Anyways, to kill weeds you can put straight vinegar in a spray bottle and spray directly to the weeds.

If you live near the ocean get some seaweed. It is great to chop up with your compost and put in your garden, makes a great rich soil.

Cheaper way to feed the humming birds is to mix 1 part sugar to 4 parts water.  It works best if you boil water first so that the sugar dissolves better.  The humming birds love it, if you do not have a colored feeder you can add some red dye to it or paint your feeder.

Roses I always found to be a booger to get nice pretty blooms.  I learned if you sprinkle your used (unflavored) coffee grounds around your bush and work it into your soil that you will get better plants.  Coffee is an insect repellent so you wont get nibbles on your pants either.

When you finish your gallon of milk you can fill up with water (do not rinse milk out) and use that milky solution to water your plants.  It will perk and green them up.

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