Monday, November 21, 2011
Heelys Black Friday/Cyber Monday Deals
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Be Thankful
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Thanksgiving....What are you having?
what you need
make it
Friday, November 11, 2011
WAG ad scan for Sunday the 13th to Saturday the 19th
$9.99 wyb Estroven Full Strength Caplet, 28 Count $9.99
$3.00 Printable were that expire 12/31
$2RR Wyb Scunci Hair Clips $2.99
Other Deals
Nutrisse Hair Color $4.99
$2.00 MFG In Most Sunday Papers
Royal Gelatin $5/1.00 w/7 Day Ad
Duck Bubble Wrap 12"x 30ft $1.99
$1.00 MFG In Most Sunday Papers
Is there anything that just makes you feel at peace?
I recently moved back to my home town that I grew up in. It is a very small town with not much around, but great beauty. All it takes is going out the door and looking at the mountains that surround me. With the cooler weather coming in and the layer of fog that surrounds them in mornings is just breath taking.
So what is it that makes you feel that way?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Homeschool Freebee
You do have to sign up to the site but that is also free. There is no input of any account information either.
Envelope Budgeting?
I think if you like this system you will love the template that is provided here. If you do not use this system maybe you should try it out.
Riding Fresh-Heeleys
I am a young woman made feel old. We never had this type of thing when I was a kid. So I was very excited to get the new latest fad for myself. I pop open the box and pull out the new kicks. I was really excited to see that there is a stopper in place of the wheels so I could actually wear this other than skate shoes. So I decided the best thing to do it wear them a couple of days and break them in. They were actually a very comfortable shoe! OK so next step was trying to "heel". Wow was this a challenge, not going to lie I was scared out of my mind. In the end I was able to make some small rolls with out tripping. I was glad that there is a tutorial on Heeling. I suggest you check that out before your first attempt. After my fun with them I passed them over to my nephew to show me how it was done. That kid went flying off with them (sadly he has the same size shoe as me at the age of 8). I would highly recommend these to all our mothers and fathers that have some hip kids that need some fun! It is far better than being "grandma on wheels" but the neighborhood kids did think I was a pretty cool mom for even putting them on. Two thumbs up from this mama!
*I received my new kicks in exchange for my honest opinion on them!*
Monday, July 25, 2011
The time is near
This year is especially hard for me as I am also going through a divorce. I lay awake alot of a night praying that my brother could help guide me with his nonjudgmental words. He was always so great about not pointing fingers fir things that happen in the past. I just miss getting to show him my kids or like the new horse I got. He loved animals and family.
I love and miss you with every piece of my heart and soul bub.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Single Mom
So what is a mom? Well I am not sure some days. I believe that I am so much all bunched under one title. A mom is so much more than a woman that gives birth to a baby. Every day I do something new in my life that I can only file under mom duty.
Tonight I am sitting up awake while the house is sound asleep. Why you ask? Because tonight I pull another mom duty. My 3 year old son fell off the bed and bumped his head. He now has a nasty goose egg knot back there. He seems to be doing good and responsive, but now is bed time. So as a worry wort (another mom duty) here I sit next to him randomly poking him to make sure he is breathing and responds.
I wonder somedays how I manage to do it all yet seem like nothing is done at the same time. For a mom's job is never done. Very tiring job this is....yet I wouldn't trade it for the world. Some say I worry to much and should lighten up. I say to them that they must not have the mom roll correctly installed. I am a mother and I will over worry, over protect, over analize, over react and over do so many other things until the day I die.
My dad the other day made a good point, cherish every moment you have with your children because you never know when that chance will end. I do not want to be the mom that looks back and thinks I should have done something different. I want to be the mom that does it the best way I know how to now. I do not want to have regrets on how I raised my kids or time that I spent with them.
I want my kids to know I have and will always love them matter what. Even when I make them mad at me because I made them clean their room. Once again as a mom that is my job. My kids may not always be happy with me but in the end they will love me for bringing them up the right way.
So that is why I sit here tonight, losing a nights sleep that I will never get to make up, to over protect my child while he and my other babies sleep peacefuly. When morning comes and I am tired and grumpy I will at least relish in the fact that I made sure my son woke up with me.
Mommy loves you Micah.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Birthday fit for a farmer
So I could not decide what kind of cake to make my soon to be three year old for his birthday. He is the kind of kid that likes everything but loves nothing. I finally decided to just go to Walmart and see where his mood took us. Well as you see it went straight to a John Deere farm set. So here is the cute guys cake!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Warm Weather
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Free CD for my blog readers!!!!
After all, who isn't in need of a little extra cash in this economy?
I just finished listening to this FREE CD from Joy Anderson where she tells you all her secrets about how to START A PRESCHOOL (not a daycare!) in your home!
Here's the best part!
She wants everyone to know about this great option, so she's giving all our blog readers a copy of her FREE CD too! Go grab yours now! Click the link below to go get it:
So why is she giving out all these FREE CDs?
Well, 3 years ago she was a single mom and had to find a way to create a full-time income at home or be forced to go to work and put her kids in daycare! Everyone told her to start a daycare, but she knew she'd be exhausted after the long 12-hr. days!
Then she stumbled upon the idea of starting a preschool (teaching preschool classes for just a few hours each day to children ages 3-5) and within 30 days, she made enough to keep her kids out of daycare... and keep her at home with them!
Over the past 3 years, she's taught over a thousand men and women how to start their own preschools. "But that's not enough," Joy told me, "because I know there are still thousands more women in the world feeling hopeless about their financial situation. NO woman should feel that their only options are to get a job and put their kids in daycare, or to start a daycare themselves. There IS another option--perhaps a better option for some women--and I'm here to share it with the world!"
So grab your FREE CD right now to find out how starting a preschool can bless your family's life! (And feel free to forward this link to anyone you think might benefit from it!)
Disclosure: I received compensation for posting my honest opinion.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Freeze Dried Food
*Disclaimer- I received compensation for posting my honest opinion.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
CoverGirl 50th Anniversary
Disclosure: I am a Buzz Agent and recived some kind of reward for my honest opinion.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sleepless nights
Do you ever just lay in bed and feel so tired and worn out yet you can't go to sleep? Tonight is one of those nights for me. So much runs through my head that I fear falling asleep. I feel if I fall asleep I will forget to do and plan everything in the morning that I have been thinking about. Maybe I am getting old? I used to love to sleep, and would sleep past noon everyday if I wanted. Now I hate to sleep because it wastes time that I could be doing something productive.
I enjoyed the blog hop today! Thank you to everyone who joined in. Tomorrow I will be hosting another and hope it is even bigger than todays.
Frisky Friday Blog Hop
List your blog and follow others. Only rule is to follow the host first and go from there. Happy blog hopping.
Tired Thursday Blog Hop
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Zoya Nail Polish Deal
All you pay is $4.00 per bottle for shipping and processing. Get new polish and turn in your old stuff.
1. Go to and pick out the polishes you would like and add them to your cart. You must select at least 6 bottles and no more than 24 bottles of polish (Salons accounts minimum 12 maximum 48 bottles.)
2. Apply the code: EARTHZOYA
3. Your order value will be adjusted to reflect the promotion
4. SUBMIT your order!
Win a Little Tikes Cozy Truck
What You Can Win: Little Tikes Cozy Truck
Giveaway Host: That’s IT Mommy
Giveaway is Open To: US, 18+
Main Entry Method:
Leave a comment
Additional Entry Methods: Yes
Giveaway Ends: 05/07/11
Enter This Giveaway:
No babies!
Do you ever get baby fever? I know that I sure do when I see a cute little baby. But,the point of this is to show you that it isn't just about the looks of a baby. One must think of their family members when that powerful urge comes along for a child. Last night I kept a sweet and cute two month old while her mama was in the hospital having her gallbladder removed. She was such a good baby till night dawned upon us. See this baby has really bad acid reflux and after her night time feed she was in pain. So as my spouse and son lay in bed covering their ears through the crying I got a chuckle out of it. I love my family and would love to cuddle with a cute baby but I do not think my family would approve of that choice. We always need to think of our families as a whole and the needs and wants of us all instead of just ourselves in moments of awww.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Scentsy Giveaway
Wonderful Weekend
Scentsy Consultant
Monday, April 18, 2011
Do you like to Blog?
Dole Squish’ems
If you have not let your kids try these you should! These are really tasty treats for them to snack on. My kids get these now and ask for these versus candy when they are hungry. This is also great for on the go, before we go anywhere I grab each kid on and it keeps them content during out drive to town or home.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
DIY: Tutu's
Here are directions so you can make your own no-sew tutu.
First measure the waist of the tutu wearer. Subtract 3 inches. Cut your elastic to that measurement and sew ends together. (I used a zig zag stitch, but this can be hand sewn as well) I recommend sewing back and forth several times to make sure your waistband is very secure.
Decide how long you want your tutu to be, double it and add one inch. That is the length you want to cut your tulle.
My tulle was already six inches wide so I only had to cut the length. I used two 6 in by 75 ft rolls of tulle for each tutu, which I purchased on ebay.
Here is the hard part to explain in writing. I slid the elastic waist band up my leg and on my thigh. I then proceeded to tie the tulle in double knots on the elastic waistband. I made sure all the knots were at the same level on the elastic. Putting the elastic on your leg just makes it easier to work with.
After I tied all the tulle around the elastic I added satin bows on each side. I burn the ends of my satin ribbon to keep from fraying.
This project is very easy and even a non crafty person can make these adorable tutus. Pair with a leotard and you have a great gift for that special little girl.
Clutter Control With 5 Minute Pick-Ups
Even if your children are young they can participate in the pick-ups. It is a great way to teach them how to clean up after themselves and doing it frequently throughout the day keeps messes to a minimum. I have always believed that young children get overwhelmed with huge messes. It is much easier for them to pick up a few things, than an entire room filled with toys, shoes, bedding, and clothes. Short frequent pick-ups eliminate giant messes (for the most part) and kids learn to maintain their space.
In our house, one or two people are assigned an area to clean up and they work quickly for a few minutes putting things away. If there is a larger mess we will often all work together, but it works well to send the kids off in pairs (if you have enough kids). If you have young children work with them to pick up their area. Make it fun, put on some music, and work together. They might have so much fun they won’t even know they are cleaning!
How do you control clutter throughout the day?
Get Organized
I like binders for several reasons:
- Portable: If you have ever moved file folders don’t pack them correctly (meaning right side up) you have a big mess when you unpack them at your next location.
- Flexible: I have stored binders on shelves, in cabinets, and in drawers.
- Cheap: Binders are a dime a dozen at yard sales, and even if you buy them new they aren’t very expensive.
- Easy to use: For me, binders make it easy to file and keep track of papers. I can’t stand “flipping” through file folders with my head bent down over the file cabinet trying to locate an important paper.
Extra items:
Pencil Pouch
Currently my binders are stored in a drawer in the office. I have a To Do folder that is kept in a convenient place for immediate filing. Once a week (or sometimes once a month) I take the papers out of the folder and organize them in the binders.
I use the page protectors to hold documents are more important and can’t have holes. I use the pencil bags to store small items like envelopes, used checkbooks, store cards, and receipts.
I printed labels on white paper for the spine of each binder, so I can easily see which one I need. I have binders for:
- Investments
- Banking
- Insurance
- Homeschool Records
- Medical Records
- Car Records
- Household Records
About every six months I go through my binder and shred unneeded documents.
I love my binder system. For me it is so much easier than digging through file folders to find paperwork.
What filing system works for you?
Ebat Groupon $7 for $15
Don’t miss this hot Ebay Groupon! For only $7 you can purchase a $15 Groupon for Ebay. I love Ebay, I use to make a little grocery money years ago selling things on Ebay and you can find great deals on anything from clothes to electronics. This Ebay Groupon can be used towards shipping and there is a limit of one per person.
If you have Groupon credits you can use them for the Ebay Groupon, but you have to enter your credit card information during check out. Your credit card will not be charged if you have Groupon credits in your account.
Thanks Money Saving Mom!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Good Deal for Birthday Party

Set of 4 Blinky Balloon Party Lights
Add some bright fun flair to your next party with Blinky Balloon Party Lights! These blinking balloon lights are safer than candles for creating ambiance and can be reused over and over again for all your parties. Blinky Balloons are easy to use - just turn one on, drop it in a balloon, then fill it with helium or blow it up as usual. The Set Of 4 Blinky Balloons Party Lights includes 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green and 1 blue. Each requires 3 replaceable button-cell batteries (included). This set also includes four 12" balloons to get you started. Burst the bubble on boring balloons and bring home the Blinky Balloon Party Lights!View more
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Set of 4 Blinky Balloon Party Lights Details:
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Retail Price: $12.99
$1.99+$5 shipping, March 26, 2011
Free Neti Pot
Hurry, available again!!
Free NeilMed Sinus NasaFlo Neti Pot with TWO packets. NeilMed is giving away free full size samples of their NetiPots. Like NeilMed’s Facebook page, and then click the “Free Neti Pot” tab in the left sidebar to get your Free NeilMed sample.
You can also score a Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse – here
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Product Review- Monkey Brains
As a parent you will be excited to know that every product in the Monkey Brains collection contains premium ingredients, are alcohol-free and retail for around $3.99 each at stores you regularly shop at like Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger and more! And at only $3.99 a piece they are very affordable for you and even affordable on your tweens allowance (yay)!

The Products: Crazy Sticky Hair Gel, Super Sticky Hair Gel, Psycho Sticky Hair Glue, Twisted Sticky Hair Glue, Grease Monkey Hair Pomade, Gone Bananas Hair Refresher, Goop Out Shampoo and Super Softy Conditioner.
My Review: I have used this for myself. I love the shampoo, it really does get the oil and build up out of your hair. The conditioner works really well too, you need to use minimal amount for smooth hair. The gel is great for men to style as well. I like to put it in my hair after a shower and let it dry. After it is dry I crunch it all up so it is not so stiff and I get the beach wave look. As a hair stylist I do not usually recommend brands that are not salon quality, but this one really blew me away.