Vendor: Crafty Classroom
Product: R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook K
I love trying out new ways to teach my kiddos to read. Crafty Classroom gave me the opportunity to try out their program, R.E.A.D. Curriculum Notebook K. Crafty Classroom makes many other fun learning subjects as well. Some of them include; alphabet, Bible, math, reading, geography, science, and writing. The R.E.A.D stands for Ready, Eager, Able, and Determined to READ! How awesome is that!! This curriculum is a 36 week course for use 4 days a week. There are daily warm ups/calendar work. Each week there is a word family, 2-3 sight words, writing prompts, grammar, early readers, and science sequencing. Every 5th week the beginning blends cycle, this is a review week. There is also quarterly assessments and review games. Everything is set and ready for you to start teaching with very minimal prep work. There is a daily and weekly schedule to follow to show what needs to be done and when. The pages are nice and colorful to grab your kiddos attention. This is a very large PDF file. We printed out all of the reference pages and then I just printed enough for each week that we were in.
We worked on this following the provided schedule. The daily warm ups were nice to help practice writing his name. We also went over the time and weather. Each sight word is in a pretty colorful page with example words. Next we move on to learning the sounds of its letters and reading it. There is pages to practice writing the word as well as other words that contain that sight word as well as other activities. Like week one we learned AM. The sight words to go with it were I, am, and a. In language arts we learned what nouns were. We had writing practice as well as the reader, Yam Jam. Every fifth week there were blends to work on. This week is only learning and reviewing the blends and reading several early readers to get your practice in.
I used this with my new Kindergarten child. We liked that it followed our 4 day work week, we usually do field trips on Fridays. The lessons were short and sweet. There was the added review that I enjoyed. I also like that there were assessments, this is really great for those of you in states that require them to be kept for record keeping. It is also great to be able to see where your child is at, if they grasp the lessons they have learned or if there needs to be more practice on them. I really think this is a great program to start your child in to learn to read. It also gives you some more subjects to touch on as well through it.
Also be sure to check out what my other crew members had to say about Crafty Classroom and some of their other curriculum that they were able to review.

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