So as you have seen I had my wonderful baby #4 on Dec. 26th! He is a great baby. He only fusses to eat or if he has a poopy butt. He really is very content any other time of the day. His daddy was very proud of him as you can see as well.
Syler is now a week and a half old and still being that great little baby. Though this are starting to hit me about how rough they are going to get.

My other 3 kids went to spend Christmas with their dad and then their nana and papa took them while I had the baby. That way I could come home and heal with out having to run after the rest of the kids. The kids will be coming home this week and I am scared.

I know they will be a big help but I also know that the trials I had before the baby (like them fighting) will still be there. Then we have to get back into the swing of homeschool all while trying to figure out how to add the new baby in the mix.
I took this quarter off of college to have him and I am really scared that I won't be able to juggle being a full time mom, homeschooler, and college student anymore. It wasn't so bad with the other kids because I could work while they did their school work, or I could send them to play so I could work. Now I have a newborn that needs me at all times. I can't imagine being in the middle of a quiz and him start fussing wanting nursed or changed. I know I have always been an advocate of being able to do it. Maybe I have a touch of baby blues that is making me doubt myself, I am not sure. I am sure that I am scared to death of what is to come but I am also trusting in God to lead me in the right path. Maybe this is a time that my path needs to change or it is a challenge that I need in order to grow and do better at what I am now. I guess through the next weeks and even months we will see how it all pans out.
I hope everyone else is having a smooth transition back into the stride of work into the new year.
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