Friday, October 30, 2015
Feet and Leg Pains?
I know most of us parents have days where we are on our feet from the time we wake up until we go down for the night. I know when I have these times I get the dullest achy pains in my legs and feet. I have also had this problem when working (I am a stylist) and being on my feet in pretty much one place all day. Well a few months back I had a man that was talking to me, couldn't believe he was 85, and telling me about all the things he does on a daily basis. This man is a painter and still goes up and down ladders and works a farm by his self with little help from his wife. I had to ask him what his secret was, because I am young and still could not even fathom going up and down a ladder all day and not be sore. He said first of all he has a motto, "As long as I can go I am going to go. The day I stop will be the day I die." He said that he has realized the more he does the younger he feels and that when he slows down he starts feeling old. I was really intrigued by this. He went on to say that he does not take RX medications either, as he feels they have more negative side affects than positive, he take all natural remedies and vitamins. I asked him what would help my sore tired legs and feet and with out a pause he said Selenium. Now I will say I was very skeptical because my feet have hurt me since I was a teen when I would be on them to long. Well with in a couple weeks of taking this I have no more pains. It is great, now if I do miss my dose I sure notice. Now if you read up on this stuff it has a ton of rad things that it helps. Check it out!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Maestro Classics Review
Product:Peter and the Wolf
Price: $16.98
Age: 4 and up
About: Maestro Classics is an award winning company that produces musical stories for children. They sent me the CD of Peter and the Wolf, but it is also available as an mp3 file. Also included with the CD is a 24 page story book with activities. There is a bio of Sergei Prokofiev, the composer. You can also get a study guide for the CD on their webpage. This could be a fun activity for anyone wanting to expand this to a unit study. The CD runs about 70 mins long as well.
The activity book has information about Russian instruments. The CD was narrated by the composer but also includes the music without the narration. We started out listening without the narration while we worked on the activity book. The instrument matching helped us see what kind of things we were hearing. This is really nice to have a visual of. Then there was word searches, crossword puzzles, and dot to dot pages. All the pages were fun and colorful, keeps the kids engaged. We then on another day listened to the CD with the narration. The kids loved hearing further about the instruments and their roles in the music. My 10 year old is very into music and practices the guitar and the mandolin, so she really enjoyed learning about some other instruments and hearing the sounds they made.
I love the way this introduces children to classical music in a fun and exciting way. The CD alone would be great for any family that wants to introduce some classical music into their kids lives. Homeschool families would enjoy it for the same reasons, but also that there is a whole study guide that goes with it that you could turn into a unit study even. There is so much possibility with it. I also think it will make a good calming travel CD for those days we are in the car for long periods of time.
Here you will find the free Peter and the Wolf curriculum guide with music lessons, and art projects. There is also unit studies with all subjects included. How great of an add on is that? Takes all the leg work out of making this into more teaching studies for the kids. We will be taking the time to make this into a unit study down the road. I knew when getting the review there was some good add on's but I didn't expect this much fun. We really can not wait to dive in further with the learning. I hope you will check it out too.
Be sure to check out what my other crew members said about Peter and the Wolf. Also check out what they had to say about the Nutcracker as well. Then hop on over and see them on the following social media sites:
Age: 4 and up
About: Maestro Classics is an award winning company that produces musical stories for children. They sent me the CD of Peter and the Wolf, but it is also available as an mp3 file. Also included with the CD is a 24 page story book with activities. There is a bio of Sergei Prokofiev, the composer. You can also get a study guide for the CD on their webpage. This could be a fun activity for anyone wanting to expand this to a unit study. The CD runs about 70 mins long as well.
1. Introduction
2. Peter and the Wolf (with narration)
3. About the Composer
4. A Russian Peter
5. About the Music
6. Peter and the Wolf (without narration)
7. Invitation to Grandfather’s Party
8. Kalinka
The activity book has information about Russian instruments. The CD was narrated by the composer but also includes the music without the narration. We started out listening without the narration while we worked on the activity book. The instrument matching helped us see what kind of things we were hearing. This is really nice to have a visual of. Then there was word searches, crossword puzzles, and dot to dot pages. All the pages were fun and colorful, keeps the kids engaged. We then on another day listened to the CD with the narration. The kids loved hearing further about the instruments and their roles in the music. My 10 year old is very into music and practices the guitar and the mandolin, so she really enjoyed learning about some other instruments and hearing the sounds they made.
I love the way this introduces children to classical music in a fun and exciting way. The CD alone would be great for any family that wants to introduce some classical music into their kids lives. Homeschool families would enjoy it for the same reasons, but also that there is a whole study guide that goes with it that you could turn into a unit study even. There is so much possibility with it. I also think it will make a good calming travel CD for those days we are in the car for long periods of time.
Here you will find the free Peter and the Wolf curriculum guide with music lessons, and art projects. There is also unit studies with all subjects included. How great of an add on is that? Takes all the leg work out of making this into more teaching studies for the kids. We will be taking the time to make this into a unit study down the road. I knew when getting the review there was some good add on's but I didn't expect this much fun. We really can not wait to dive in further with the learning. I hope you will check it out too.
Be sure to check out what my other crew members said about Peter and the Wolf. Also check out what they had to say about the Nutcracker as well. Then hop on over and see them on the following social media sites:
Friday, October 23, 2015
Need a good scalp cleansing?
Do you need a good scalp cleansing?
Wash your hair with a cleansing shampoo. After you have rinsed apply a few drops of your facial toner (like Sea-breeze)to your scalp and massage in. Let this stand for five minutes than rinse and apply your conditioner.
Mad Science in St. Louis
From light displays and carolers, to theatric plays and elaborate feasts, the holiday seasons yields tons of exciting activities and events for just about everyone. However, if you really want to make a lasting impression on your guests this season, a Mad Science winter/holiday party is sure to do the trick!
These parties are jammed packed with experiments and activities for both the kids and the kids at heart. Their team of Mad Scientists are not only highly trained, but they are natural born entertainers with the undeniable ability to merge science and fun! Click here to learn more about Mad Science winter/holiday parties, or call (314) 991-8000.
Mention this blog at time of booking to receive $20 OFF.
Book a Mad Science Birthday Party or Holiday Party and Receive $20 off! - Clip this coupon and save $20 off a Mad Science Birthday or Halloween Party! Cannot be combined with other discounts. .@usfg
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Koru Naturals Review
Vendor: Koru Naturals
Price: Skin Clear Cream $19.20
Manuka Honey Propolis Soap $7.90
Emu Oil Shampoo and Leave-in Conditioner $17.10
Koru Naturals is such a great vendor. They always send great products for the crew to try, and this time was no different. First up is the Skin Clear Cream. It is made from unpasteurized Manuka Honey, pure steam-distilled East Cape Manuka Oil, Kawakawa, Harkeke, Burdock Root, Thyme, and Canadian Aspen Bark. The best thing is there is no parabens, artificial colorants or fragrances in any of their products. This is good for acne-prone skin.
I have always been prone to acne so I was glad to see this one. I used it as recommended, twice daily. It has made my face clear and very smooth. It had a light scent which was nice and not over powering.
Manuka Honey Propolis Soap is a combination of Manuka Honey and Propolis. This is a moisturizing and skin protecting soap.
We all used this as a family. I kept it in the shower. It really was moisturizing. I love how soft it left every ones skin. I have hypothyroid so I am always dry and itchy and it took that away. My daughter has eczema and she usually flairs up at this time, during season changes, and she has not flared up yet.
Emu Oil Shampoo and Emu Oil Leave-in Conditioner are both made for damaged hair. They have keratin added to help do this. Since keratin is easily washed away with water the spray in leave-in conditioner is perfect. Use daily for the best results, and that is how I used it. It makes you hair easier to comb out for one. My hair is down past my bottom. After using a normal conditioner and rinsing I still have horrible knots. Having a leave in allows the conditioner to get those knots loose as well as repair the hair that is causing the knots. They reduced the amount of frizz my hair hand. If I allow my hair to air dry I can pull off not having to straighten it. Before my hair would be to frizzy and turn into one big rats nest if I did not straighten it to smooth it out.
I think that Koru Natural products are great for everyone. Having a natural product that works great should be in everyone's home. They would make great gifts, you know Christmas is coming up soon! I will bet your friends and family would love to receive these products as well. Their website has so many other products that they make as well. I have been happy with everything that I have tried of theirs. I promise you will not be disappointing.
Be sure to check them out on Social Media. Also see what my other fellow crew members thought of their products, some reviewed different items than I did.
I have always been prone to acne so I was glad to see this one. I used it as recommended, twice daily. It has made my face clear and very smooth. It had a light scent which was nice and not over powering.
Manuka Honey Propolis Soap is a combination of Manuka Honey and Propolis. This is a moisturizing and skin protecting soap.
We all used this as a family. I kept it in the shower. It really was moisturizing. I love how soft it left every ones skin. I have hypothyroid so I am always dry and itchy and it took that away. My daughter has eczema and she usually flairs up at this time, during season changes, and she has not flared up yet.
Emu Oil Shampoo and Emu Oil Leave-in Conditioner are both made for damaged hair. They have keratin added to help do this. Since keratin is easily washed away with water the spray in leave-in conditioner is perfect. Use daily for the best results, and that is how I used it. It makes you hair easier to comb out for one. My hair is down past my bottom. After using a normal conditioner and rinsing I still have horrible knots. Having a leave in allows the conditioner to get those knots loose as well as repair the hair that is causing the knots. They reduced the amount of frizz my hair hand. If I allow my hair to air dry I can pull off not having to straighten it. Before my hair would be to frizzy and turn into one big rats nest if I did not straighten it to smooth it out.
I think that Koru Natural products are great for everyone. Having a natural product that works great should be in everyone's home. They would make great gifts, you know Christmas is coming up soon! I will bet your friends and family would love to receive these products as well. Their website has so many other products that they make as well. I have been happy with everything that I have tried of theirs. I promise you will not be disappointing.
Be sure to check them out on Social Media. Also see what my other fellow crew members thought of their products, some reviewed different items than I did.
Brookdale House Review
Vendor: Brookdale House
Product: Drawing Around the World: USA
Price: $22.95 e-book
Day 1: Introduction to new state for the week. You will complete the state fact table. You will also find and labEl the new state on the dashed black and white mat. Then to finish the day you will draw all states studies thus far.
Day 2: You will find and lable each new state on the dashed, black and white map. Then drawing all the states studied so far.
Day 3: Repeat day two again to help repetitive learning.
Day 4: You will list all states you have learned so far from memory. Then you will once again draw all the states from memory as well.
How we used: We decided to follow the schedule that was laid out for us in the book. We generally only work four days a week anyways leaving Friday for catching up or fun days. So on day one I would make sure to have all the papers printed for the week. I do not have unlimited internet, so instead of using the suggested links for state facts we went to the library and would pick out books that were for the states we were learning about for the week. Plus having the actual books helps be more hands on than looking at the screen. I have a dyslexic nine year old that does better with the books as well. We would then complete the facts page and practice drawing the state. Day two we locate the states on the big map and draw all states learned. Day three is pretty much a review and doing the same as day two. Repetition to help the learning. Then finally for day four we did the list from memory to see what they have learned without looking. Also trying to draw them all without looking and get them in the right place.
Super fun study and my kids loved it. If we had troubles remembering we changed from a four day plan to a five day week to practice them again. I think this would be fun for homeschoolers or not. If your child is interested in the states this gives them the whole outline they need in order to learn them. I know some public schools require you to learn all abbreviations in a lesson and this could help if your child needs further practice. Plus what kid doesn't like to draw and be even more happy when they can draw all the states in the USA. Be sure to give it a look over and just see how your child responds.
Be sure to check them out on social media and my fellow crew members reviews.

Be sure to check them out on social media and my fellow crew members reviews.
Friday, October 16, 2015
Free Spirit!
Free spirit!
My middle child is a free spirited child. She has her own sense of style unlike any other. Today she puts her hair in ratty pig tails and two clips on top with no rhyme or reason. When her sister tells her they are messy she pulls the pony tails even tighter and smiles. I hope she always keeps this outlook on herself. She is not a follower and she does not care what people think of her, instead she embraces herself even more. We should all take a lesson from children like her and embrace our own beauty and be ok with ourselves. We are all they greatest in someones eyes, so let those eyes become our own.
Free spirit!
My middle child is a free spirited child. She has her own sense of style unlike any other. Today she puts her hair in ratty pig tails and two clips on top with no rhyme or reason. When her sister tells her they are messy she pulls the pony tails even tighter and smiles. I hope she always keeps this outlook on herself. She is not a follower and she does not care what people think of her, instead she embraces herself even more. We should all take a lesson from children like her and embrace our own beauty and be ok with ourselves. We are all they greatest in someones eyes, so let those eyes become our own.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Fish Flix Review
Price: $9.97
About: When Calls the Heart, Heart of the Family is a movie that you can get through, is an online Christian video store. They provide an array of family friendly DVD's and Blue-Ray movies to choose from. When Calls the Heart, Heart of the Family is from the When Calls the Heart series. This is the the third DVD from the second season. The series is based on the When Calls the Heart books that are written by Janette Oke. The series is also played on the Hallmark channel.
The movie is 88 minutes long. The DVD also includes the behind the scenes as well as some interviews with the cast. The director is Neill Fearnley. Picture and sound quality is excellent.
How we used: Being a family friendly DVD we sat down as a family to watch this. Each night we usually watch a TV show or a movie together as a family to wind down from the day. It helps us do something together, which is nice after busy days. We had not heard of this series before, we do not have the Hallmark Channel, but we were still able to get into the movie and enjoy it. The show is based around a woman named Elizabeth moving to the area. She is the school teacher but takes on the task of helping one of the men in the community by watching his children for a couple days. This is when Jack comes in to help out. The story then continues on about their romance and how it continues from there. There are some twists and turns that keep you interested in it. It was enjoyable to see even out of sequence of the other shows.
We really enjoyed the movie. Though it was about romance it still was kid friendly and nothing that you wouldn't want your child to see or hear. This was a nice change for once. It is hard to find movies or a show anymore. You get them thinking they will be kid friendly then there are parts that just kind of make your jaw drop. Watching it also made me want to watch the rest of the series to get all caught up on it. The price was really good and comparable to other movie store prices. I think anyone needed a place to trust in buying good family friendly movies then this is the place for them.
Also be sure to check out my crews reviews. Some reviewed the same show as me, while others reviewed some other movies from this company as well. See how they feel about the content of what the site has to offer.
Be sure to stop by their website and brows around. Then head over to social media and check them out as well.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Progeny Press Review
Product: Miss Rumphius
Age: Lower Elementary/K-3rd grade
Price: $11.99
Comprehension Questions
Looking at Artwork
Dig Deeper
Projects and Activities
Grammar and Geography
There is also an answer key in case you may need it. There are also initial instructions on how to use the study guide at the first of packet.
How we used: We went over the study guide to begin. I have learned that my kids will listen better and be more alert to what they are learning if they know what is going to be expected of them afterwards. So we looked at what we would have to do in the study guide before we started reading the book. We then read through the book and went into the study guide. We worked on the study guide about 4 days a week. We aimed to work on different parts each day. The vocabulary section lets you draw things that help you remember what the word means. This was a neat little spin on doing vocabulary for us. There were multiple choose questions as well as fill in your answer. This was a bit much for my younger kids, seven and nine, so we did a big portion out loud and I would fill in the answers for them. There is a section that brings the Biblical views out of it as well. This is always a nice added touch to any work. I think it helps my kids understand the Bible better than regular Bible studies do.
I think this study guide would be great for any Christian family that wants to make sure their kids are understanding their readings. I also think it is great for homeschoolers to use as a stand alone reading assignment. I do think maybe the age range is not as good of a fit for this, it seems like it would be better for older students because of all the writing work that has to be done. Otherwise I do not have any complaints on the guide. It worked out fine for us to work together and do it out loud and still get the same results. An older student maybe able to do it more independently with out any extra assistance from the parent.
Be sure to check them out on Social Media:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
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