Product:Peter and the Wolf
Price: $16.98
Age: 4 and up
About: Maestro Classics is an award winning company that produces musical stories for children. They sent me the CD of Peter and the Wolf, but it is also available as an mp3 file. Also included with the CD is a 24 page story book with activities. There is a bio of Sergei Prokofiev, the composer. You can also get a study guide for the CD on their webpage. This could be a fun activity for anyone wanting to expand this to a unit study. The CD runs about 70 mins long as well.
The activity book has information about Russian instruments. The CD was narrated by the composer but also includes the music without the narration. We started out listening without the narration while we worked on the activity book. The instrument matching helped us see what kind of things we were hearing. This is really nice to have a visual of. Then there was word searches, crossword puzzles, and dot to dot pages. All the pages were fun and colorful, keeps the kids engaged. We then on another day listened to the CD with the narration. The kids loved hearing further about the instruments and their roles in the music. My 10 year old is very into music and practices the guitar and the mandolin, so she really enjoyed learning about some other instruments and hearing the sounds they made.
I love the way this introduces children to classical music in a fun and exciting way. The CD alone would be great for any family that wants to introduce some classical music into their kids lives. Homeschool families would enjoy it for the same reasons, but also that there is a whole study guide that goes with it that you could turn into a unit study even. There is so much possibility with it. I also think it will make a good calming travel CD for those days we are in the car for long periods of time.
Here you will find the free Peter and the Wolf curriculum guide with music lessons, and art projects. There is also unit studies with all subjects included. How great of an add on is that? Takes all the leg work out of making this into more teaching studies for the kids. We will be taking the time to make this into a unit study down the road. I knew when getting the review there was some good add on's but I didn't expect this much fun. We really can not wait to dive in further with the learning. I hope you will check it out too.
Be sure to check out what my other crew members said about Peter and the Wolf. Also check out what they had to say about the Nutcracker as well. Then hop on over and see them on the following social media sites:
Age: 4 and up
About: Maestro Classics is an award winning company that produces musical stories for children. They sent me the CD of Peter and the Wolf, but it is also available as an mp3 file. Also included with the CD is a 24 page story book with activities. There is a bio of Sergei Prokofiev, the composer. You can also get a study guide for the CD on their webpage. This could be a fun activity for anyone wanting to expand this to a unit study. The CD runs about 70 mins long as well.
1. Introduction
2. Peter and the Wolf (with narration)
3. About the Composer
4. A Russian Peter
5. About the Music
6. Peter and the Wolf (without narration)
7. Invitation to Grandfather’s Party
8. Kalinka
The activity book has information about Russian instruments. The CD was narrated by the composer but also includes the music without the narration. We started out listening without the narration while we worked on the activity book. The instrument matching helped us see what kind of things we were hearing. This is really nice to have a visual of. Then there was word searches, crossword puzzles, and dot to dot pages. All the pages were fun and colorful, keeps the kids engaged. We then on another day listened to the CD with the narration. The kids loved hearing further about the instruments and their roles in the music. My 10 year old is very into music and practices the guitar and the mandolin, so she really enjoyed learning about some other instruments and hearing the sounds they made.
I love the way this introduces children to classical music in a fun and exciting way. The CD alone would be great for any family that wants to introduce some classical music into their kids lives. Homeschool families would enjoy it for the same reasons, but also that there is a whole study guide that goes with it that you could turn into a unit study even. There is so much possibility with it. I also think it will make a good calming travel CD for those days we are in the car for long periods of time.
Here you will find the free Peter and the Wolf curriculum guide with music lessons, and art projects. There is also unit studies with all subjects included. How great of an add on is that? Takes all the leg work out of making this into more teaching studies for the kids. We will be taking the time to make this into a unit study down the road. I knew when getting the review there was some good add on's but I didn't expect this much fun. We really can not wait to dive in further with the learning. I hope you will check it out too.
Be sure to check out what my other crew members said about Peter and the Wolf. Also check out what they had to say about the Nutcracker as well. Then hop on over and see them on the following social media sites:
I went through maestro classics myself after seeing it here and it was fantabulous! TopEssayWriting review at teachingdyslexics, try this.